Is there a quantum God? If the primary act of God is the creation of the universe than we should be able to trace the image of/ signature of God in his creation. When we try to unearth an understanding of God from quantum physics, we have a possibility of manifesting God’s action in the universe. Quantum physics with...
Holy Trinity in the Light of Quantum Physics
The is a lot of commonality between quantum physics and Christian belief in the Holy Trinity. Both present before us the logic of one and many. It may be interesting to dwell in these common spaces. It might lead us to understand Holy Trinity in a deeper way. Christians arrived at their belief in the Holy Trinity through debate,...
Schroedinger’s Christ
Can quantum physics bring light into our understanding of Christology? Is there a Schroedinger’s Christ? Maybe the dogma of Chalcedon can be profoundly understood in the power of quantum physics. Maybe the new physics is offering a new language to communicate faith to humans of our time. Maybe quantum physics is one among many signs of our times that...
The Language that God Talks
At least right from the time of Pythagoras in the West, we can see that there is a close connection between God and mathematics. In India, we may have discerned this link much earlier as mathematics grew in the arms of Vedic religion and helped it to calculate auspicious time and the shapes and sizes of the agni kandas...
Quantum Physics and the Eucharist
With relativity and quantum physics, the drive towards mastery died to the mystery in science in the 20th century. Although scientists like Albert Einstein and his followers tried to shun aside the mystery dimension in Science, particularly in quantum physics, they had to submit to the mystery of reality that refuses to come under the fuller mastery of humanity....
Quantum Physics and Christian Theology
Quantum Physics and theology have come together. It once again demonstrates that science and theology are friends and not foes. They complement each other rather than contrast each other. This coming together of both science and theology can bring us closer to the truth or to verisimilitude as Karl Popper would teach us. Of course, the two disciples are...
Science, Scientists and Us Mortals
‘The mystery of the universe is that it is comprehensible’ said, Albert Einstein. Indeed, humans have come a long way in understanding the cosmos for a long time. Isaac Newton was one great Scientist/Philosopher of nature for whom as Einstein would describe that the secrets of nature were like child’s play. Poet Alexander Pope who was a contemporary of...
Contesting our Quest for a Technological Fix
Today science and technology are instruments of development and are contested territories in our society. Techo-optimists think that both science and technology can fix all ills of our society. This belief in science and technology’s ability to deliver progress is associated with right-wing politics. Right-wing politics largely focuses on the distribution of culture. This is a kind of determinism...
The Semiosis of the Dialogical Event
Love has a great role in establishing non-dominating and non-totalizing relations among human beings. Love has transformative and emancipative possibilities. Love to be emancipative cannot suppress the multiple into reductive sameness. Real love is a process of becoming different and hence it ruptures everyday life. Love, therefore, transgresses the limits of everyday life. It opens the third space to...
The Opening of Dialogue to a Triologue
The growth of secularism along with the growth of Science and Technology had brought Religion on verge of extinction. There were and there are several prophets of doom who have uttered the death sentence/ fatwa on Religion. They declared that with the progressive growth of Science, Religion will be simply wiped off. A cursory glance at the affairs of...