Freedom and Free thinking seem to have come under attack in Goa these days. This condition has been afflicting Goa for quite some time now. It seemed to have come in the open with cases being levelled on a renowned rationalist and free thinker from Goa. The levelling of FIR against acclaimed man of letters Datta Damodar Naik seems...
Embracing Emancipative Performatives of Time
Contestation of regimes of time that rule over us requires us to be transgressive. It requires us to embrace border crossing interrogating the dogmatic boundaries imposed on us by our society. Our economic, political as well as religious domains have together constructed a matrix into which modern regimes of time have their life and being. In fact, these regimes...
Colonial Regime of Time
Colonization is about control of land, people and their resources. Colonization has a special relation with time. The colonized people we not considered to be coeval with the colonized. They considered the colonized people as to be underdeveloped and behind time. This sense of lagging in time justifies, naturalizes and normalizes colonization and imperialism and positions it as a...
Modern Regimes of Time
With modernity time has acquired a shape of an arrow that runs irreversibly from past into the future. We think that this understanding of time is normal, natural and the way time is. This seems to indicate that time is objective and above human manipulation. It seems that it is the new method measuring things that gave time its...
Intertices of the Present, Past and the Future
Our past had several futures. One that became our present is one of them. There is no one closed Hegelian future unfolding down the lanes of history. In fact, there is no one history. There are several pasts and one such past has been lifted up and written as history mainly by vested interest. History, thus becomes a mirror...
Regimes of the Same and Regimes of the Other (3) —Becoming a Disassemblage
Assemblage is always a joint. In fact, it is many joints stitched together. A joint is always a gap and link. Assemblage joins many things in a manyfold ways. Assemblage cannot be fully joined into a one. The regimes of the same reduces the assemblage as other of the same. They cannot reduce the multiplicity that forms the assemblage...
The Regimes of the Same and The Regimes of the Other
How do we think the other? The other is alter but also alienus and allos ( everyone’s other like the Big Other of Jacques Lacan) . In some way the other is alien and is othered or alienated. We think other from the regimes of same. May be we have to think same from the regime of the other....
The Information Regime
Information regime refers to the form of domination that information processing algorithms and ai do on our socio-economic and political processes in our society . Under these regimes and those of these kinds, Byung Chul Han says that it is not bodies and energies that are being exploited as in the case of disciplinary societies of Michel Foucault. Information...
The Theology of the Unchosen People
Do we have to historize theological concepts like salvation? Yes and no. We have to indeed historize the experience of salvation here on earth. But salvation is not reduceable to this world. Salvation belongs to already-and-not-yet dynamism of our life. We experience it in its fullness in the life to come. In this sense salvation stays always in the...
Being Human-in-the-plural
Object oriented ontology (OOO) thinking away from the philosophy of the subject enables us to think the machinist. Automation allows capital to displace humans in order to enjoy them as objects. The jouissance of capital predominates peoples relation to human and non-human objects. We may say that we as subjects give so much credence to capital that we become...