Neocolonialism and Hindu Rashtra

It appears that India is still haunted by modernity, colonialism and coloniality. The modern world as well as modern India is a co-invention of the colonizer and the colonized. Colonization was based on the what Anibal Quijano termed coloniality of power. Coloniality of power produced power differential that is viewed as colonial difference by Quijano. Colonial difference justified colonization...

Smart City and Democratic Governance

It is thought that a smart city enhances the quality of human life. This is why they are looked upon as smart ‘ livable spaces’. It is thought that a smart city will boost economic development , make services available without any hassles and improve citizens wellbeing. The smart polis reminds us of Aristotle’s Polis. Plato would not accept...

Between Closed and Unclosed Discourse

With Rahul Gandhi openly declaring that the fight of Congress in India as not simply with BJP and RSS but one that includes the Indian State, the BJP seemed to have acquired more ammunition to change to political discourse to the supposed treason of Rahul against the Indian state. In order to resist the discursive subject positions offered by...

Denegating the RSS-BJP Effect

By denying the 15th August 1947 as the independence day of our country, the RSS chief has broken the ‘We’ of our country. He has put our nation under erasure. Hence, we have the challenge to denegate his negation. Maybe Jacques Derrida might offer us ways to understand and respond to it. Denegation is not Hegelian anti-thesis. It is...

The Regimes of Time

We experience time as a regime. It imposes its discipline on us. A regime of time regiments time. It breaks time into past, present and the future. This regimentation of time also regiments or divides us. As we are at the threshold of a new year 2025 , it would be important to explore how we negotiate the borders...

Power at Play in India

What is the kind of power apparatus do we see in India today ? India under Modi seems to be under sovereign power. It appears that Modi is ruling with a strong hand. Maybe some of us may say that we are become a disciplinary society. We as citizens are told with the force of power what we have...

Excess/Surplus: A Critical Exploration in Modi’s India

Introduction Modi’s India has witnessed significant economic, social and political shifts. We have entered surplus. India has become intensely excessive place. We see this surplus through the work of Jacques Lacan, Karl Marx and Michele Foucault interplay of surplus enjoyment, surplus value and surplus power reveals complexities in power dynamics, economic structures and social hierarchies. Surplus Enjoyment (Jouissance) 1....


Attention is a generous gift we can give others.

Attention is love.

- Fr Victor Ferrao