Stephen Hawking points out that his understanding of the new physics does not need God as the creator . Richard Dawkins makes a similar argument from his field of evolutionary biology. Are these claims true? Has science really ruled out God? Can we in the name of science claim that God does not exist? In this study we shall...
My public lecture at Jnana Deepa, Pune, Friday 4th Oct. 2024.
Science is a spiritual path. It opens us to mystery of God and creation. But not all will agree with this view that proposes the spiritual potential of Modern Science. In this context, we try to study how modern Science was founded in the arms of Christianity where the faith of the founders played a very important role. Next,...
The Mahakumbh of Science and Religion Dialogue
Kumbh mela has to do with dip at the sangam of the river Ganga, Yamuna and Saraswati ( the mythical river). It manifests and expresses human urge to transcend history . First recorded history of this great festival is found in the 7th century Chinese traveller, Hiuen Tsang who visited India from 629 AD to 645 A.D. The feast...
Understanding our Relations to Science and Religion
Thinking with Bourdieu can illumine how we relate to science and religion as individuals. His notion of habitus is indeed illuminating. It brings light on the complex ways humans relate to science or religion. His notion, habitus being a way in which a society becomes deposited in a person in a form of lasting dispositions, trained capacities, and structured...
Science-Religion Samvad
In India, we can call Science- Religion Dialogue as Science -Religion Samvad. Science and Religion dialogue or samvad belong to the level of apara-vidya ( lower Knowledge or everyday knowledge) in India. But we cannot just limit this vital dialogue the apara-vidya. It can take us to para-vidya (higher Knowledge). To reach there, it will have to die and...
Hyphenating Science with Religion and vice versa
Dialogue always presupposes two different voices. These two different voicing of positions and opinions are assumed to find their fulfillment in some kind of their unification at point in a future. The point closes time and space for dialogue is thought to be the fulfilment of dialogue. Gadamer seems to call this unification as the fusion of horizons. It...
Science –Religion Dialogue as a Productive Hermeneutics
Productive hermeneutics is different from hermeneutics that we know. It has Its roots in the work of Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari. They follow Karl Marx who challenged us to move beyond hermeneutics of meaning and explanation and called us to embrace productive hermeneutics in his 13th thesis on Fuerbach where he says ‘ it is not enough to...
Moon Mission Chandrayaan-3 and Prospect of Science-Religion
Science and Religion have always worked together. As we bask in the glory of the success of India’s moon mission Chandrayaan-3, the Catholic Church in India has a good reason to rejoice. Long before, we could imagine our moon missions, a Catholic Church in Kerala gave its land on which one of its important Church building and adjacent bishop...
Non-Philosophical Approach to Science and Religion Dialogue
There is a non-philosophical approach to Philosophy. Reading Francois Laurelle has challenged us to think beyond our fidelity to One. He develops non-philosophy. It is not ordered by one standard way of doing philosophy. We are only used to the philosophy of logos. His approach challenges us to embrace all ways of philosophizing. These other ways of philosophizing he...
Towards the Being of Science and Religion Dialogue
To enter the hermeneutics of Science and Religion dialogue, we may have to embrace the destruction of the Western Metaphysics of Martin Heidegger. We have the challenge to manifest the Being in the dialogue of Science and Religion. To do this, we have to accept what Heidegger calls ontological difference. Between Being and beings. This means we have to...