Desire and Lacan

How do we understand desire? We find that human desire is triggered and nurtured by several factors. We shall take Jacques Lacan’s method as the way of deciphering human desire. Humans are never outside desire. Not to want something is also desire. There is no desireless condition at least on this side of the grave. But it defies articulation....

Is the Reader Dead?

Death is always untimely. Time is not on the side of death. The coming of post-truth seems to have proclaimed the death of a reader. We seem to experiencing the theft of truth. Mass media has become the cheer leaders of the rulers. Critical voices are silenced. With the reader dying darkness seems to have descended on us. Critical...

The Politics of the Face

When we face a face, we may ask: what are you thinking about? or what is bothering you? Deleuze posses such questions in his book, Cinema 1 . The question assumes that the face actualizes or express or hides emotions and feelings that generally testify the state of a person. Thus, the face is space bursting with meaning but...

Philosophy and Time

We all live through time. We keep track of it. We race against it. It is part of everyday experience of life. Yet we do not fully understand it. We also think with time. We think in time. Does this make our thinking linear? Can we think in a non-linear manner? Perhaps, these are important questions that we need...

Homo Digitalis and Homo Disruptus

Humanism is thought to be based on the qualitative analysis of humans while posthumanism is said to quantitatively think the human. This is not really true. Humanism seems to be based on an exaggerated notion of exceptionality of humans while posthumanism is a rerun to reality of being human. Martin Heidegger had indicated that humanity has forgotten its finitude....

Living Praxis and Ancient Philosophy

Philosophy that we are studying is not a linear phenomena. There have been several exchanges and transpositions and gigantic metaphora in which all forms of structures and elements of thought have crossed each other. In this exchange there have been loses as well as gains. When Greek thought encountered the Latin or Roman thought, there was mistranslation due to...

Dying and Living

Philosophy and death are linked in more than one interesting ways. Cicero says that to philosophize is to prepare for our death. This is thought to be so because thought and reflection takes us out of our body. It may be that wisdom stays at the edge of life . We need to know to die to know to...

Archeologies and Genealogies of Philosophy

As we began to approach the modern era, doing philosophy was a task of a vagabond and out-law. One had to cross boundaries and enter cross-roads as a thinker. Against this novelty seeking effort of the philosophers, came a book, Principles of Philosophy, that denounced philosophers who crossed borders and sought to put the house of philosophy in order...

Histor(ies) of Philosophy and Historiography

Every intellectual work has a sense of the past. It is made of several adventures, original sins, discoveries, disputes, decisive battles, that lead up to the present state of affairs . Here, we draw our attention to an intellectual work that we call history. Often, this sense of the past is linear and progressive. Moreover, linearity is privileged and...


Attention is a generous gift we can give others.

Attention is love.

- Fr Victor Ferrao