The Theatre of Forgetting

From the time of Socrates and Plato we have seen a tremendous bias against writing. They privileged speech because it occurs in the presence of those who are engaged in conversation while writings are read in the absence of the author. There is another important drawback of writing. Both Socrates and Plato tell us that writing promotes forgetting. Once...

The Mystery / Problem of Error

We all make mistakes. The problem/ mystery of error is an important experience of being human. Experience of error is an essential part of who we are. We are fallible and fragile. There are other meanings of error than mistake. Life itself is lived through trial and error. It is through this lived error that we live as human...

Democracy of Thought

We are used to analysis. Recently I came across dualysis. Francois Laruelle has proposed dualysis. Dualysis is not synthesis. It is not even a combination. Dualysis freely constructs theory out of dualisms. His quest is to develop unified philosophy or theory and not unitary one has led him to dualysis. Dualysis thinks everything in-One. Thinking in-One the relations goes...

Neuroplasticity and Emancipative Change

Change has been studied by humanity down the ages. Philosophers like Parmenides denied change, Heraclitus and the Buddha taught that change is the only unchanging reality. Aristotle appeared to find the middle with his theory of act and potency which has an echo in the satkarya vada of the Shankya school of the Astika persuasion. But the Aristotelian middle...

Intellectual and the Victim: Towards a Nonanthropology

Who is an intellectual? an intellectual does exhibit authority over people. He/she plays as a figure of wisdom. Intellectual clarifies, analyses and resolves ambiguities and claims to reveal the truth. Francois Laurelle critics this economy of the intellectual. Intellectuals often fall into fanaticism and mythologies. This is why Laurelle invites us to interrogate how the action of the intellectuals...

Dualysis of Francois Laurelle

Francois Laurelle thinks of dualysis . It is not our familiar analysis. We do celebrate analysis as it has produced rich results. Laurelle has given us a new method. It does not divide its object but transforms it in the mode of unilateral duality. It does so through cloning it in the mode of unilateral duality. How do we...

Is Another World Possible?

We are haunted by racism, casteism and discriminatory nationalism. These and other indignities that are afflicting humans have their roots in philosophy. The way we have been philosophizing is at the root of these evils. Philosophy has produced our world. It has contributed immensely to our world but has also in several ways led to evil ways. Another world...

The Death of Philosophy

What has philosophy done to us? has it led us astray ? What has this friendship/ love with/of wisdom given us and our world. Could our world be different? If so how? Perhaps to usher in another world , philosophy has to die. The paradox is that all these above questions are philosophical. Perhaps it is time to question...


Hypocrisy is the tribute that vice pays to virtue.

- Fr Victor Ferrao