The First Lesson Human life exists in a plenum/fullness. When we are born we are immersed in this fullness. At that point, we are unable to divide ourselves from anything. The world exists seamlessly with us and to us. The pillow, the bedsheets, our mother or other caregivers are not separable during this time. But we cannot stay in...
Dealing With Theft of One’s Enjoyment: A Lesson from the Corona Moment of Humanity
Covid-19 and the consequent lockdown are taking away our enjoyment. We are experiencing theft of enjoyment. Psychoanalyst Jacque Lacan calls it the theft of the Thing. It is taking away our way of life. We feel that something precious to us is taken away from us. How are we to face this theft of our enjoyment? How...
Goans on Trial
We are living in interestingly dangerous times. With the eruption of coronavirus, we have acquired the power to cough the other to death even we intending nor being conscious of this. While all forms of powers came with great responsibility, we certainly have an immense responsibility to the other as we learn to live with Covid-19. Disruption of all...
Coronavirus as a Discourse
Coronavirus is not simply a sign. It has become a discourse. A set of discursive practices are being assembled around it. One can easily spot these practices on the television. The lethal virus has steadily become a complex site where battles for knowledge, power, and safety are fought, lost and won. Although the virus is democratic and does not...
The Haunting Presence of Absences
The heart breaking crises that hit both rural and urban India cannot be described with words. On one side we can see cries of ailing people due to lack of bed space, oxygen, medicines, doctors, nurses etc., and on the other side we find people struggling to give dignified final rites to their beloved whom they have lost to...
LOSS OF RIGHT CHOICE: Ethical Quandary in the Wake of Coronavirus
Abstract: The coronavirus pandemic along with large scale destruction of human life has triggered a collapse of our moral principles and ethical values. We are facing an inescapable ethical responsibility as we seem to have a new power to cough another person to death. This study attempts to seek an equate response to our moral quandaries. The study attempts...