The Politics of Decapitation

Michel Foucault notoriously said that in political thought and analysis, we are yet to cut off the head of the king. Perhaps, a stage has come not to decapitate the king, the CM, the leader who leads Goa But it is certainly time to bring him to responsibility and deliver justice to mother Mhadei. We cannot have anyone in such a responsible chair exhibiting nothing but plastic sovereignty. If justice cannot be delivered to Mhadei, it’s time for an honourable exit for our esteemed leader. His head has to roll. No one can preside over the death of Mhadei.

We have reached a no-turning point. It is time to rise above all partisan divisions and has no time for some individual parties, like RG to display plastic sovereignty. Time is running out and all true sons and daughters of Goa have the moral imperative to stand for mother Mhadei. 16th January is truly a historical day. It is a day of opinion pool. It is the day that remembers how the Goans decided their own destiny. Once again Goans are challenged to stand firmly for Goa. Goa and Goans have lots at stake and have the challenge not just to save Mhadei but to save their hard-earned sovereignty over their territory and natural resources. Indeed, it is a fight over sovereignty. We cannot surrender Goa’s sovereignty at any cost.

The issue of Mhadei is complex but it certainly boils down to sovereignty. Whose sovereignty has to be guarded is clear to one and all. What is at play is the politics of sovereignty is also bright and clear before all Goans and rivals too. Our Government seems to be displaying fake plastic sovereignty as it bends backwards to make way for the political ambitions of its own Party ruling from the centre. These actions of our Government are robbing Goans of their sovereignty as authors of their own destiny. Goan self-determination regarding their life and natural resources is supreme and cannot be squandered to politically benefit any ruling dispensation. If this happens we will have to accept that it is the head of Goa and Goans that will be de-capitated.

We have the challenge to face the truth that wounds. it a double-edged sword that threatens to cut the hearts of Goan. On one side it is the theft of our water sovereignty and on the other side the prospect that our very own Government may not support us. We are wounded because there are several sovereignties in question besides our very own. The sovereignty of nature and its violation amounts to a violation of our shared sovereignties. Goans feel a profound imperative save these shared sovereignties.

Therefore, to Goans, the fight becomes now or never. The battle lines are drawn. When the enemy is also from within it becomes even more difficult. We, Goans, have to tread a careful line. We have to give the government its fair chance to defend Mhadei. But all cannot be kept in the hands of the rulers. Mhadei is too precious. The loss of water sovereignty is a true loss of our own sovereignty. No more plastic sovereignties. We must stand for mother Mhadei with full resolve and see that there is no theft of our right to self-determination.

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