Imaging Goa…

There is a thin line between simulation and seduction.  Unfortunately, reality seems to be lost in its simulation. We seem to be happy to be consuming simulations. Meaning has imploded and we have lost touch with reality.  Simulation has replaced reality.  Simulation has become a new regime of structuring reality. Sign in this regime has given up the function...

Long live the Francis Effect

The seventeen exposition of St. Francis Xavier brought us all under what could be described as the Francis effect. The Francis effect was visible in the preparation, execution and closure of the great event. Once again Goans across all walks of life came together and in a true spirit of peace and inter-faith harmony celebrated a great spiritual event....

Examined Life For A Livable Goa

‘Unexamined life is not worth living’ said Socrates.  He taught that wise lived an examined life.  Self knowledge is a fruit of examined life. Every human person lives at least a partially examined life and feels the challenge of expansion of the horizon of that life.We Goans also feel the imperative to examine our lives. Some teach that Indians...


Attention is a generous gift we can give others.

Attention is love.

- Fr Victor Ferrao