Hindutva and The Play of Signs

Hindutva has become a war-machine. It is directed against the secular fabric of our country. Most of its adherents like to stay under its semantic glow.  It means several things to several people. it is a counter-sign or an empty signifier that changes its meaning depending on the context. To its adherents, it is milk and honey.  To its...

The Dawn of Second Freedom

The violence that erupts from the scission of self and its other is on the increase across the Globe. Identity politics has gripped humanity everywhere. It has led to the rise of what has been named as rightwing populism. Populist leaders prey on the fears of the people and mobilize the public towards their political and economic agendas. Unequal...


Attention is a generous gift we can give others.

Attention is love.

- Fr Victor Ferrao