Can India exist without its Democracy?

Following the death of his guru, Socrates, it is said that Plato asked a powerful question: ‘how are we to live?’  This question became central to all his writings after the cruel death of his master.  The trauma of the death of Socrates had pushed Plato out of the city walls and he gathered his disciples under the grove...

Hindutva and The Play of Signs

Hindutva has become a war-machine. It is directed against the secular fabric of our country. Most of its adherents like to stay under its semantic glow.  It means several things to several people. it is a counter-sign or an empty signifier that changes its meaning depending on the context. To its adherents, it is milk and honey.  To its...

(Un)democratising Democracy

The eruption of the binary of national/anti-national into the public sphere of our country appears to be a way of (un)democratising our democracy. We as a nation are passing through narcissistic crises that trigger most of us to view everything that afflicts us through the prism of nationalism which itself is not national enough. We seem to have steadily...


Attention is a generous gift we can give others.

Attention is love.

- Fr Victor Ferrao